Coach with me.

I coach with individuals who are ready and committed to do the healing, personal growth, and self-care work that it takes to create dynamic and powerful transformation in their lives. 

People choose to coach with me for many reasons. Some have that powerful moment (just like I did) when they realize they are ready to heal and breakthrough past trauma. Some are experiencing an abundance of stress that they are ready to reduce and realign with a life that is both calm and fulfilling. Many are navigating grief or loss, relationship transitions, or career shifts that could use solid support. And I work with people who are physically, mentally, and emotionally healing. 

In our work together I weave in many modalities, ancient and modern, that I am trained in and have vast experience within. Each session will leave you with a breakthrough and an action plan to work towards between sessions and I offer continual support throughout our coaching to navigate the wins and the walls that surface. 

Interested in Coaching? Email me to set up our discovery call

What makes coaching with Julie so unique.

Julie brings her life experience and abundance of training in multi-modalities to hold a safe space for her clients to be vulnerable and to achieve and create breakthroughs {mentally, physically, emotionally, creatively, financially, and spiritually.} Julie holds a degree in BioPsycohology and is trained and certified in trauma healing, spiritual and business development, somatic parts work, somatic stress reduction, and health coaching. She is also a certified meditation teacher, Reiki master, and an intuitive healer. Julie's sessions are dynamic and productive. She will weave her modalities into each session in alignment with what your current needs are. You will leave each session with clarity, healing, and a plan for continued wild and thriving personal growth. 

Set up a complimentary 15 minute coaching discovery call with Julie